Best Instagram Spots of Walt Disney World
You may have heard the phrase: "Do it for the Insta!" and Walt Disney World in Florida has tons of amazing photo spots to cater towards your fantastic feed. In this post I'll be touching on infamous "walls" like the Bubblegum Wall, Purple Wall, You are Most Beautiful Wall, but I will also showcase some lesser-known photo spots for the Insta time of your life. Let's get to it!
Posing by the Purple Wall
The Purple Wall- @purplewallphotos
This wall you may have heard of, as it is referred by Disney fans as, "the Disney wall that started it all." The Purple Wall has amazing lighting, as it is in constant shade. It is located just past the entrance of Tomorrowland, near Tomorrowland Terrace.
Looking at the floating lanterns by the Tangled Wall
The Tangled Restroom Wall- @tangledwall
This is a super trendy Disney wall on the feeds of Instagrammers, and rightfully so. Even though this is technically the facade of a bathroom, the pretty paint job and texture is probably what lures in people that are looking for a flattering photo.
Chillin' by the Bubblegum Wall
The Bubblegum Wall- @bubblegumwallphotos
You may have heard of the Bubblegum Wall, with its vibrant colors and nice lighting all day. This peppy wall is a burst of color for your feed. You will find this wall once you exit Spaceship Earth, and exit the Project Tomorrow indoor area. (P.S.- You don't have to ride Spaceship Earth to access this wall!)
The Blueberry Wall- @blueberrywallphotos
The Blueberry Wall is like the Bubblegum Wall, but shades of blue. Personally, this wall is one of my favorites of all WDW. It is located right past the Bubblegum Wall. This wall adds a pop of color to your feed, but more subtle. (Scroll through the gallery above to see more pics.)
Posing by the big blue door, making sure not to track paint everywhere.
Muppet Show Wall
Now this wall doesn't have an official name or dedicated Instagram, but it's probably the most popular photo spot in Hollywood Studios. The dark shades of red, blue, and yellow, really go with a lot of outfits and poses. It is located in the Muppet Land.
Walls of Africa (Slideshow)
You Are Most Beautiful Wall- @youaremostbeautifulwall
This wall is just as beautiful as you! Here, since the wall is a cast member entrance, many cast members offer to take your picture. It is located within the Harambe Market Food Court.
Children of the World Wall- @childrenoftheworldwall
This wall pairs a bike and a quote. I loved all the walls that included bikes. They just made for great pictures!
Fichwa! Fellow Wall- @fichwafellowwall
Fichwa means "hidden" in Swahili, and is paired with Mickey Mouse. An African hidden Mickey! This is a fun wall, but beware, there are drummers that hang out and perform by this area, so it may be crowded and loud.
Photo Spots of Asia (Slideshow)
There are many cool spots to snap a pic in Asia, but these are some of my favorites. None of these walls have Instagram accounts (that I am aware of).
Curly hair don't care!
Speedway Castle Wall
The Speedway (gas station) by Magic Kingdom has a great photo location. Fun yet underrated photo spot.
I hope you liked this compilation of Disney World walls and it was helpful to you!
See you real soon!